Bringing My Brands Together

Welcome to my “new” blog – really, it’s the same one you’ve been following along with, but it has a new home!

I found that I was living a sort of double life.  Two websites.  Content and information about me and my work spread across them.  There wasn’t a lot of duplication, making it harder to know what I do and to find out about all that I’m working on.  How were people finding me on the internet and how did they know what I did?

So last fall, I embarked on a redesign.  There were things about both brands (Julie Ellis and Big Gorgeous Goals) that I loved.  I had gone through a process of updating the Julie Ellis brand logo and iconography, as well as naming my new podcast but I was still struggling to marry it all up.


The Dream Team

I turned to my friend Laura Beauparlant of Lab Creative because I was uncertain of how to move forward.  I needed to move some of my content around and I was stumped about how to proceed.  Over lunch one beautiful fall day, I told her that I was having trouble visualizing how to move ahead.  She immediately offered to do a deeper dive with me and see how I could get started and make progress on getting a new site up and running.

As we reviewed the assets I have, and how the two brands were fitting together I realized that I wanted to bring them together, on one website with all my offerings up front and easy to find.  I wanted to work with one brand palette and set of fonts, designs, and icons that I’d use. So we began. 

I worked with Kristina Laukkanen to get some great new photography. 

My friend Joelle Cooling helped me with some great outfits for the photos. 

Laura created a shot list of what we would need for the new website – and we went out and had some fun getting those photos.


My New Home

The next step was integrating the new palette, photos, and brand elements together into a new site.  On the site, we have homes for my leadership development work, coaching, mastermind and so on.  We’ve also highlighted my keynote speaking work as well as the book and my new podcast, Figure 8 (launching February 8, 2024).

We opted for a clean, sophisticated design and I’m just so happy with how it turned out.  I love having the offerings all together and moving over to the domain is clearer about who I am and the work I do.

I’d love to hear what you think!  It’s out in the world now and I’m looking forward to seeing it evolve.  Building a brand based on me has been a new journey in entrepreneurship and I’m excited to see this new evolution.


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